
I started this blog in 2010 when there were 11 weeks to go before my next Ironman triathlon. People have found it interesting (mainly my Mum!) so I continue to write.
The Ironman is a long distance triathlon; Swim 2.4miles, Cycle 112miles, Run 26.2 miles (marathon). I have competed in one every year since 2004. I hope this blog can help others see what is involved. I find the process of writing it makes me more accountable and motivates me to do the harder sessions when i'm not feeling like it!

Thursday, 29 December 2011


Looking after the children today - exhausting! Clocking up the rest days which I think is a good thing. Had a few minutes to read some of "once a runner" very inspiring. A bit of time on the leg roller whilst watching George's new favourite Cars 2.

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Run and Swim

Ran to the swimming pool (1.5km) straight and back (6km). There is now a lot of chocolate to burn off!

Tuesday, 27 December 2011


10km in Mansfield. With 6 x 400m on the track at half way. My running has really suffered with the focus on the bike lately. I was happy to hit 90 secs for each lap which is normally easy but today was far from that - there is a lot of tightness in the right hamstring it seems to be preventing my leg coming through. It's back to the roller.

No traffic and a free public 400m track - why do we live in London??!

Monday, 26 December 2011


I kept intending to run today but was happy to knock a football around with George and Will. Will preferred a golf ball!

Sunday, 25 December 2011


6km easy, on the hills of Mansfield. Completely different to the run last year when everything was covered in frost still good to get out though.

Don't usually run with the ipod but was listening to an audiobook by Thomas Sowell on race and culture - today was on the history of Slavery - absolutely amazing stuff I didn't know; it only accounted for 2% of British GDP when we were the country doing the most and cost more than that to stop it following William Wilberforce's efforts. Anyway I digress.